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Only peaceful wishes exist. That's all. (穏やかな願いのみが存在する。それだけよ。)

原文: 「ただ念仏のみぞ まことにておわします」ー他人の地獄の物語を覗き見ただけで安心してしまう、おのれの愚への戒めー|せーでん/夢幻山鳳梨寺 Until today, I loved the religious story of "If you do something wrong, you'll go to hell.". as a matter of course in the sense of a temporary shot in the arm, This is a popular value. But, ・the story itself is a kind of reign of terror and is therefore only a tool of mounting and social control (the Edo period of Japan) ・It is often the case that one's consciousness deteriorates to the extent that it is the psychological state of "I'm glad I'm not with this idiot (criminal)." or just a modified form of discrimination. ・As a result,mass-produce egoism and egoism called "What can I do if I don't bother others?" ・a temporary mood that does not lead to further development of thought or improvement in behavior From these 3 points, I came to the conclusion that the logic of the story, "hell" is "It's like a simple but dangerous game of f...


Love your neighbor(汝の隣人を愛せよ)

The meaning and story of being a parent.(親である事の意義と物語)

Appropriate form of fans(ファンの在り方)

ignorance and megalomania (= delirium). remove "Namu Amidabutsu" its suffering from.(虚妄の苦しみを除く「お念仏」。)

Is it strange for monk to talk about love? (Stories of Vtuber and romance simulation games)(坊さんが恋愛を語るのはヘンかい?(Vtuberと、恋愛シュミレーションゲームの話))

Is it counterproductive to encourage people who are depressed?(落ち込んでる人に励ましの言葉をかけるのは、逆効果か?)

On the disease of pacifism and ideology.(平和主義、イデオロギーという病について。)

What is important as a person before business skills. I want to be the person who can distribute it.(ビジネススキル以前に人として大事なもの。それを配れる人になりたい、ということ)

To change, you need a cheerful attitude, a posture, and a determination to change yourself.(何かを変えるためには、明るい態度・姿勢・自分を変えようとする決意こそが必要です)

Let's go to vote, even if small, to show that you are alive.(投票に行きましょう。貴方が生きている事を示すために。)