ignorance and megalomania (= delirium). remove "Namu Amidabutsu" its suffering from.(虚妄の苦しみを除く「お念仏」。)
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Is it strange for monk to talk about love? (Stories of Vtuber and romance simulation games)(坊さんが恋愛を語るのはヘンかい?(Vtuberと、恋愛シュミレーションゲームの話))
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Is it counterproductive to encourage people who are depressed?(落ち込んでる人に励ましの言葉をかけるのは、逆効果か?)
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On the disease of pacifism and ideology.(平和主義、イデオロギーという病について。)
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What is important as a person before business skills. I want to be the person who can distribute it.(ビジネススキル以前に人として大事なもの。それを配れる人になりたい、ということ)
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To change, you need a cheerful attitude, a posture, and a determination to change yourself.(何かを変えるためには、明るい態度・姿勢・自分を変えようとする決意こそが必要です)
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Let's go to vote, even if small, to show that you are alive.(投票に行きましょう。貴方が生きている事を示すために。)
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Who decides "an appropriate amount of work"?【「適切な仕事の量」は誰が決めるのか】 (2)
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Who decides "an appropriate amount of work"?【「適切な仕事の量」は誰が決めるのか】 (1)
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Don't be blind to faith. Don't lose sight of reality.(信仰によって現実から目を背ける無かれ)
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The meal isin honor of life to eat,Let's enjoy it.(食事は、美味しく、有り難く頂きましょう。)
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If you can say thank you, sorry, it will warm humans.(ありがとうとごめんなさいがちゃんと言えれば、それだけでその人は温かい。)
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Alf Prøysen "Don't pull back when you're told not to."(アルフ・プリョイセン作 童話「だめといわれて、ひっこむな。」)
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I want to have a strong heart and faith.(強い心と信仰を持ちたいものです。)
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"memories of tomorrow" starring Ken Watanabe(渡辺謙主演「明日の記憶」)
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A fool is a fool. "temporary state" and nothing more or less.(バカはバカ。「一時的な状態」であって、 それ以上でも以下でもない。)
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It is necessary to change the way of missionary work without regard to form.(形にこだわらず、伝道の仕方を変えていく必要がある。)
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f possible, I want to compress it into short sentences.(なるべくなら、短い文章に圧縮したいと思う。)
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Whether you feel happy or not depends on "A view of life and death (view of religion)".(幸福を決定づけるのは死生観。)
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I have a favor to ask someone who says, "I want to die.".(死にたい、という人にお願い)
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At the crossroads of life, we are not alone.(人生の岐路において、私達は、一人ではない。)
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What is happiness? To put it roughly, I think it's the state of mind.(幸せとは、心の状態、持ちようである)
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In Buddhism, "Five deadly sins" means the following 5 things.(「五逆罪」について)
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