Alf Prøysen "Don't pull back when you're told not to."(アルフ・プリョイセン作 童話「だめといわれて、ひっこむな。」)
As the old woman was turning the wheel by the fire,
A mouse came out of a hole in the wall and asked him what he was knitting with the wool.
The old lady answered, "It's your husband's sweater." but he asked again.
Who will wear your husband's used clothes after the sweater is finished? (Grandma).
Who wears grandma's old clothes? (to become a dog's rug).
When a dog gets a new rug, where does the dog's old rug go?
The old woman, knowing that the little mouse wanted the old dog rug,
I gave a rug to my child. Thus, after negotiations, he obtained a blanket.
"Don't pull back when you're told not to. Don't pull back when you're told not to."
Someone played like that.
(Alf Prøysen "Don't pull back when you're told not to."
Seeden's translation, short abstract)
Alf Pryjsen is a Norwegian children's writer of the world-famous fairy tale "Aunt Spoon" animated by the Japanese National Broadcasting Company (HNK).
This is a very precious fable.
I thought what is good is the ideal (make someone happy) sales activity of negotiators.
If we can find someone's needs together and have them happily (each other) hand over where they can come to terms with each other, it will be extremely happy for both of us.
When it comes to sales as a job and negotiators, people tend to think that in Japan, mental theory is the first priority and it is a hard work that requires physical strength.
I thought, after reading this fairy tale, that it would be very pleasant to put the difficult stories aside and to live so briskly.
The spirit of fraternity and tolerance that we give to each other has something in common with the teachings of Buddhism.
In primitive Buddhism, Shakyamuni said, "Don't love me."
It means, "Don't stick to it."
It does not mean "Be indifferent to anything.".
There are certain limits to what each of us can do.
In that case, we have to cooperate with people around us and share our wisdom.
That's why people come together (In a temple), and there is the norm of Buddhism in tradition for better judgment.
There is a Buddhist ritual called "reclining ceremony".
At this time, you make three vows.
I believe in Buddha.
I believe in the teachings of Buddhism.
I respect monks who adore Buddhism, and devote myself to the organization (Temples) '
Pledge loyalty in honor of a group
It doesn't mean blind obedience.
When I thought, "That act is strange."
Don't act silently.
It's an attitude of not trusting others.
Because you trust others, you disagree with them and reveal your true feelings. That's the proof of trust.
Whatever the outcome, Amida will always be with you and give you courage.
Namuamidabutsu ・・・
As the old woman was turning the wheel by the fire,
A mouse came out of a hole in the wall and asked him what he was knitting with the wool.
The old lady answered, "It's your husband's sweater." but he asked again.
Who will wear your husband's used clothes after the sweater is finished? (Grandma).
Who wears grandma's old clothes? (to become a dog's rug).
When a dog gets a new rug, where does the dog's old rug go?
The old woman, knowing that the little mouse wanted the old dog rug,
I gave a rug to my child. Thus, after negotiations, he obtained a blanket.
"Don't pull back when you're told not to. Don't pull back when you're told not to."
Someone played like that.
(Alf Prøysen "Don't pull back when you're told not to."
Seeden's translation, short abstract)
Alf Pryjsen is a Norwegian children's writer of the world-famous fairy tale "Aunt Spoon" animated by the Japanese National Broadcasting Company (HNK).
This is a very precious fable.
I thought what is good is the ideal (make someone happy) sales activity of negotiators.
If we can find someone's needs together and have them happily (each other) hand over where they can come to terms with each other, it will be extremely happy for both of us.
When it comes to sales as a job and negotiators, people tend to think that in Japan, mental theory is the first priority and it is a hard work that requires physical strength.
I thought, after reading this fairy tale, that it would be very pleasant to put the difficult stories aside and to live so briskly.
The spirit of fraternity and tolerance that we give to each other has something in common with the teachings of Buddhism.
In primitive Buddhism, Shakyamuni said, "Don't love me."
It means, "Don't stick to it."
It does not mean "Be indifferent to anything.".
There are certain limits to what each of us can do.
In that case, we have to cooperate with people around us and share our wisdom.
That's why people come together (In a temple), and there is the norm of Buddhism in tradition for better judgment.
There is a Buddhist ritual called "reclining ceremony".
At this time, you make three vows.
I believe in Buddha.
I believe in the teachings of Buddhism.
I respect monks who adore Buddhism, and devote myself to the organization (Temples) '
Pledge loyalty in honor of a group
It doesn't mean blind obedience.
When I thought, "That act is strange."
Don't act silently.
It's an attitude of not trusting others.
Because you trust others, you disagree with them and reveal your true feelings. That's the proof of trust.
Whatever the outcome, Amida will always be with you and give you courage.
Namuamidabutsu ・・・